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Hubs showcases


Builds on the successful results PoliRural provided for rural regions. In this project, we want to address the research agenda established by PoliRural and broaden our foresight, planning and development scope to regions that include both urban and rural areas, and anything in between.

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SmartAfri Hub

The purpose is to design, develop and introduce a Smart Agriculture Innovative Hub - AFRIHUB. The platform will be used to connect people to the information. Firstly with integrating principles of social media like Blog, Forum, design Science Shop, which will be able to connect users with developers and researchers. And secondly by integrating different types of demo applications, where farmers, developers and researchers will have chance to cooperate, test different API for new solutions and also provide common experiments.

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Transformation for sustainable nutrient supply and management

A shift towards nature-based solutions in agricultural nutrient management implies a transformation of practices not only in agriculture, but equally along value chains and various other societal groups.

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Learn more about agriculture and IT synergy with SAGRE

This platform will focuses on four learning aspects and each refers to a specific issue, a result for that issue, new technology and how to use it and latest information on a specific topic.

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AgriHub CZ

The purpose of AgriHub is the design and development of a smart technological innovation center for agriculture. The platform is designed to create links between people, companies and other entities with knowledge and technologies that will help in the implementation of innovative projects and ideas. One of the principles is the connection of ordinary users with developers and researchers. The second principle is the integration of different types of demo applications where farmers, developers and researchers will have a chance to work together, test different APIs for new solutions and also provide common experiments. The third principle is to make available open data available in the Czech Republic.

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